How to Remain Efficient at Work

How to Remain Efficient at Work

Allan F. Mogensen was an American industrial engineer and industry consultant, but is best known as the ‘father of simplification’. He coined the phrase ‘work smarter not harder’, and since its inception in the 1930s, that is exactly what we strive to do. The problem is that the maxim suggests that if you are smart you won’t have to work hard, but ‘work more efficiently is smart’ is not quite so catchy. No matter what your role is, you strive to make it as easy as possible without impacting the quality of your output. Here are 3 ways to remain efficient at work.

1. Use Technology

Technology will be used across the business, but are you using it to its full advantage? You need to keep your finger on the pulse of advancements to programs and suites that will help you succeed with your enterprise. The technology landscape is an ever-changing environment, and to boost your efficiency, you need to embrace the digital age. You need to simplify your data management, processes and procedures by taking a more holistic approach: one place that stores all of your data for ease of use, increased accessibility and heightened accuracy with no repetition of tasks or information. Weaveability provide a solution that reduces your reliance on IT, reduces infrastructure requirements while maximizing your efficiency, for example.

2. Communicate Effectively

Your technology will also allow you to communicate effectively, which will help you get the job done faster, and to a higher standard. Collaboration is key to successful businesses, whether you want your accounts department to be able to communicate to your customer services team, or management to be able to see what stock is available in real-time, you all need to be able to communicate across the board.

You need to be able to communicate effectively with the consumers of your products or services. Your website should provide content that provides solutions to any queries your customers may have. For example, an FAQ page will reduce the need for people to contact your business directly. If your website publishes information that people regularly want to access, you will save your time and that of your employees and be able to focus on other aspects of your business.

3. Deconstruct the Goal

You know what you need to achieve: you have the goal. You need to break it down into more manageable tasks that can be accomplished. The temptation is always there to complete smaller projects rather than tackle the big one that is looming, so use this to your advantage. By deconstructing the goal, you will be able to identify the steps you need to take to reach the goal and fulfil your obligations.

Evaluate whether you can delegate any of the tasks. If your time is best spent on other aspects of the project, or other areas of the business, you will be able to pass on the lower level tasks to someone else who is qualified. To be efficient you must be able to prioritize the tasks at hand, and recognize when you can push back the minor jobs that have a lengthier timeframe, and when they take priority.

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