How to Become a Social Media Influencer

While many people spend a majority of their free time on social media, they’re actually people out there who get paid for it. In fact, influencers can earn money, as well as get hooked up with free clothing, paid travel and other perks for being seen as a thought leader in a particular field or including sponsored content on their social media posts.

In fact, this could be a viable option if you already have a large social media following or are willing to put in the hard work to build one. Here’s what you need to know to become a social media influencer.

Find Your Focus

Start by finding your niche. To become a bona fide social media celebrity, you’ll first need to stand out from the crowd by offering the public something unique and interesting — and that will continue to captivate people’s time and attention. In other words, your audience will only grow if you remain committed to your craft and true to yourself.

But first, you need to have a focus. Spend time figuring out what interests you from a new and unique vantage point and how you can provide value to your followers. It could be photos of food with links to the recipes. Or, perhaps you want to share your love and knowledge of marketing through a new and unique lens. Bottom line: Your content must provide some type of value — even if it’s merely for entertainment purposes — that will make people want to visit your page again and again.

Build Your Audience

But you’ll need to provide killer content on a routine basis to grab people’s attention — and, more importantly, have them interested in returning to your pages again and again. It can be difficult to hone your craft without some level of inspiration and practice. Knowing that, your best bet to get the ball rolling should include researching other influencers in your niche space and determining what works and where they fall short.

For example, you’ll want to find out how often they post to their Facebook or Twitter pages; whether they recycle content or tend to only post new, captivating insights; and what type of value they provide to their audience. One good example of a brand that’s providing value to its customers is Amway. Indeed, the company’s unique style and brand appeal are constantly on display through its LinkedIn page.

In general, you’ll need to share content regularly on your social media networks. Start by posting about your favorite brands and creating connections with your followers by responding to comments. Over time — and with the right hashtags — you’ll be able to build a massive following.

Build Partnerships

You can’t become a social media influencer if you’re not constantly promoting your brand and letting others know you’re serious about your craft. But you may also benefit from working closely with other influencers in your niche space. In fact, building relationships with other like-minded brands may help both parties grow and flourish. Indeed, you never know where a relationship can take you.

So how can you easily go about it? People covet information and results. With that in mind, you would benefit from creating a media kit that details your brand identity, the goals you hope to accomplish and what you can provide to other influencers looking to grow their following. You’ll also want to provide some proof of your successes, including any media coverage or newspaper and magazine articles. Statistics about your audience and testimonials from your clients are also beneficial.

Commit to Your Craft

It can take time to establish yourself as a social media influencer. But don’t just give up when you first experience obstacles. Instead, continue to stay active on and maintain the same level of inspiration on your social media pages. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Again, while you’ll need to post regularly and consistently, you should also make it a point to comment on other profiles, share content from fellow influencers, and interact with some of your favorite brands. Additionally, make sure you respond when anyone posts comments or questions on your page. Over time, you too can become a social media influencer and get paid for your efforts.

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