How to Manage Your Freelance Workload

Managing your workload as a freelancer can be tough. Whether you run your own business or are earning money from various online jobs, organization is often deemed “the key to success.” However, it’s not always easy to keep on top of multiple projects at the same time, so what’s the solution?

Successful freelancers say there are three key elements of a well-managed workload: communication, recording and daily planning. Let’s look at these points in detail.

1. Communication

Although it’s tempting to launch into a new project right away, as a freelancer it is your responsibility to make sure you communicate properly with your clients before you even begin the work. Don’t be tempted to gloss over questions and finer details until a later date. If you rush through a brief, mistakes could catch you out when you’re in the thick of other projects.

Instead, make sure you and the client are on the same page before you even accept the job. Managing your freelancing business is as much about managing client expectations as it is about the work. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver, rather than assure your clients you can complete work that doesn’t fit into your schedule then have to turn it in it late.

Communicating can be tough if you have a series of smaller projects on the go or you work for multiple clients. Luckily, Affiliate Programs has some great advice on how to manage side hustles to maximize revenue. Plus, there are plenty of other online resources and tips to help you communicate with your clients better.

2. Recording

Make sure you record all communication between yourself and your clients and organize documents into relevant folders. You never know when you might need to refer back to a past email or run through supporting material. Having all of these items on hand will help you save time when you’re working on a project.

It’s a good idea to get all the details of each assignment down in writing somewhere, such as the day the work is set, when it is due, estimated log time and hourly or project rate. You can use an old-fashioned pen and notepad or an Excel spreadsheet if you prefer. However, the best way to maximize productivity and keep all your notes in one place is to use a note-taking tool like Evernote.

3. Daily Tracking

Daily tracking means breaking down larger projects into bite-sized chunks, so you know what needs to be done and when. It’s easy to get caught up in a project and not pay attention to how long you’ve been working, but these details are crucial if you want to run an effective and profitable business.

One solution is to use a tracking app like Toggl. Toggl allows you to track and report projects according to each client, so you can keep a closer eye on your daily tasks. Over time, tracking your tasks in a work log will make you more productive, increase your return on investment and help you stay focused on the job at hand.


Organization is the key to freelancing success, but this umbrella term can be daunting if you’re not a naturally ordered person. Rest assured that a combination of communication, recording and daily tracking will help you run a successful freelance business and keep up to date with all your tasks and projects.

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