Working at Home Is Becoming More of a Reality for Employees Who Find Understanding Employers

Companies used to be very unfriendly towards the idea of an employee wanting to work from home. For these companies, having a casual Friday where employees could wear what they wanted to work (within sensible limits and standards of decency) was as far as they wanted to go. However, startups and more progressive employers who sometimes lack the office space to take on the next five employees and don’t wish to move offices yet are now beginning to see the merits of remote workers.

Webmaster Team Brings Added Benefits When Off-site

For global companies that have servers in different locations around the world, having a team of professional webmasters who can handle the varied working hours to provide round-the-clock support is better than employing one or two people in the office who clock off at 5 pm. This turns remote working into a net benefit for companies that see the usefulness of a flexible schedule that workers can provide to their company, while still receiving a full range of benefits.

Not Every Role Suits Working from Home

It depends very much on what type of profession you work in when wanting to make a home office. For example, in the healthcare profession, you would think at first blush that every person works out of a clinic, a hospital, or a doctor’s office. Actually, there are plenty of medical roles performed by trained professionals who work mostly at home. A surgery medical reviewer, a medical urology director, and a chronic care coordinator are just three roles that don’t always require you to be on-site.

An opportunity to add to your educational background would open some doors to working from home in the healthcare industry. Studying an online master in health informatics degree leads to a job dealing with health records on the technology side. Managing the need for access to patient records by medical professionals while balancing the data security requirements in the age of frequent data intrusions is a challenging role. The online MSHI program is ideal for people who don’t have time to attend a campus regularly and prefer to learn over the internet at their own pace.

How Much Do the Office Workers Really Work?

Keen research into levels of productivity in the office revealed recently that while the average office hours may be eight hours on-site, the productive time from that is closer to three hours. The shocking difference was made up by the many distractions in the office: meetings, worker interruptions, coffee breaks, smoking breaks, surfing the internet, and more.

When the Ford Motor company reduced their hours down to eight, productivity increased. The idea of the eight-hour day was based around old systems that were never designed for an office environment. Yet, the concept of an eight-hour day across five days per week still persists. What does this mean for companies who want to get more productivity from their office workforce? Let them work at home!

It won’t take that much for a home worker to deliver the same productivity as the office workers and they can do so in less time. They’ll also come to their home office less fatigued because their day is shorter while being just as productive, if not more so. It really makes you think that it’s time to change the status quo, doesn’t it?

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