People Who Work From Home Are More Efficient

Over 15 years ago, working from home was not as popular or recommended for employees today. However with the introduction of home computers and home office equipment, doing a job from home has become a lot easier and preferable than going to an office five or more days a week. Employees spend more than half of the day either at their job or going to and from their places of employment. Working remotely will allow telecommuters to spend more time with their families, save hours of commuting time and save hundreds of dollars on gas and bills.

More Organized
Working from home requires organization so most remote workers are very organized. Every thing that is needed to do the job must be within reach and ready once the job starts. The home office must be organized in such a way to allow the employee to access the most important items for the quick completion of the job. Most office equipment today have spaces for everything needed such as supplies, printers and faxes. Ordering products that do more than one thing is essential such as all-in-one printers that include a fax, scanner and copier. A phone line that is used primarily for work is also a necessity because employees don’t want to be interrupted by personal calls during work hours. Telecommuters are able to understand exactly what is needed to work from home which makes them more organized than the average every day worker which in turn allows them to get more done from home.

Good Multitaskers
Good multitasking skills are crucial for people who from home. Onsite employees are also good at multitasking, but they only have a couple of work related duties to worry about unlike telecommuters. Aside from the regular job responsibilities, telecommuters also have to perform household duties that cannot be avoided. Remote employees are very good at taking on many things at one time because they have to be in order to perform their jobs and handle everyday household functions in a timely manner that does not interfere with the other.

Better Time Management
Virtual assistants can manage their time better than onsite employees. Employees that go to an office every day know what they will be doing and the times they will be doing it during the day. Most telecommuters have flexible schedules which allows them to work any time of the day. Many regular employees do not have the luxury of working when or where they want, but people who work at home can set their own hours and schedules. Normal 9 to 5 hours may be fine for most workers, but some may select to work a few hours in the morning or afternoon to take care of family and some hours during the night after everyone is in bed when they have more free time.

Working in an office and at home has allowed me to experience both sides of this issue and I can say without a doubt, I am more productive working from home than in an office. The benefits of working from home are many, but the best one is being able to get more work done for an employer and saving the company money, says Marion Harrington – Recruitment and Staffing Specialist for

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular with more and more employees opting to work remotely to save on gas and work related expenses. Employers can save thousands of dollars a year for each employee that works from home so it’t becoming a popular option for large and small companies as well.

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